Privacy Policy


We have created this statement to demonstrate our firm commitment to your privacy. We do not collect personally identifying information about you when you visit our site, unless you choose to provide such information to us. Providing such information is strictly voluntary. This policy is your guide to how we will handle information we learn about you from your visit to our Web site.

1. 链接

This website may contain links to other Web sites. Please note that when you click on one of these links, you are entering another site. We encourage you to read the privacy statements of these linked websites as their privacy policy may differ from ours.  We 使用 e-mail links located on this site to allow you to contact us directly via e-mail. We 使用 the information provided in your e-mail to respond to your questions or comments. We may also store your comments for future reference.

2. Use of Text and Images

If you would like to publish information that you find on our Web site, please send your request to Where text or images are posted on our site with the permission of the original copyright holder, a copyright statement appears at the bottom of the page.

3. Accessibility

This Web site is designed to be accessible to visitors with disabilities, and to comply with federal guidelines concerning accessibility. We welcome your comments. If you have suggestions on how to make the site more accessible, please contact us at

4. The California Fire Foundation’s Collection and Use of Your Information

In the course of using the Site, the California Fire Foundation may ask you for your name, e-mail address, postal address, telephone number, fax number as well as other relevant information. The California Fire Foundation also may collect certain non-personally identifiable information when you visit many of our web pages such as the type of browser you are using (e.g. Internet Explorer or Firefox), the type of operating system you are using, (e.g., Windows XP or Mac OS), the domain name of your Internet service provider (e.g., AT&T or Verizon or Comcast ), aggregate data about the number of visits to the Site and/or aggregate data about the pages visited.

5. How the California Fire Foundation Uses the Information

The California Fire Foundation 使用s the non-personally identifiable information (“Aggregate Data”) to improve the design and content of the Site and to enable the California Fire Foundation to personalize your Internet experience. The California Fire Foundation may 使用 the Aggregate Data to analyze Site usage as well as create services and/or products to fit your needs. 也, the California Fire Foundation shares this Aggregate Data with the California Fire Foundation’s related entities, partners and/or other third party vendors. The California Fire Foundation shall own such Aggregate Data and maintain copies of such as part of its records.

The California Fire Foundation does not sell, 租金, give-away or share its e-mail addresses or other personally identifiable information with outside sources.  Except as otherwise indicated, the California Fire Foundation 使用s the personally identifiable information (“Personal Information”) you provide about yourself: (a) to respond to any of your inquiries or questions about our services; (b) for internal marketing purposes and as part of the California Fire Foundation’s donor database: (c) to provide you additional and updated information, materials and other advertisements regarding the California Fire Foundation’s services; (d) to offer you other materials and/or information that the California Fire Foundation believes may be of interest to you; (e) to cooperate with government officials or parties in litigation under process of law, or as otherwise required by law; (f) to protect the security or integrity of the Site; (g) to protect against a threat of safety or destruction of property; and/or (h) to protect against legal liability. In all cases, 然而, the California Fire Foundation’s agents, employees and contractors who have access to Personal Information are required to protect this information in a manner that is consistent with this Privacy Policy. Furthermore, the California Fire Foundation encourages all its business Partners to adopt and adhere to standards of protection consistent with this Privacy Policy. The California Fire Foundation will not 使用 the Personal Information, except as set forth herein, without your permission; provided, 然而, the California Fire Foundation shall own all such Personal Information and maintain copies of such as part of its records. If you do not wish to receive any such information or to allow the California Fire Foundation the right to 使用 your personally identifiable information as described, please contact the California Fire Foundation in the manner identified in the “选择退出” section below.

6. 选择退出 

If you have registered to receive e-mail communications from us and later change your mind, you may contact us to have your name removed from our distribution lists by emailing or sending a handwritten request to 1780 Creekside Oaks, Sacramento, CA 95833, ATTN:  California Fire Foundation.  If you would like to verify the data we have received from you or to make corrections to it, you may contact us directly at the e-mail and mail addresses provided above.

7. 安全

We are committed to protecting the security of your personal information. We 使用 a variety of security technologies and procedures to help protect your personal information from unauthorized access, 使用, or disclosure. For example, we store the personal information you provide on computer servers with limited access that are located in controlled facilities. Additionally, if we transmit sensitive personal information (such as a credit card number) over the Internet, we protect it through the 使用 of encryption, such as Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology.  SSL encrypts your order information to avoid the decoding of that information by anyone other than the California Fire Foundation.

8. 饼干

When you visit our website, we might store some information on your computer in the form of a “cookie” (i.e., a small piece of data that stores information on your browser in your computer’s hard drive) or similar file. We 使用 conversion tracking cookies as part of campaigns in order to analyze trends, gather broad demographic information and monitor website traffic patterns that can help us further develop and improve the design and functionality of our site. The cookies will only be 使用d to obtain non-personal information (you will be anonymous). 饼干 that are sent to your browser by our site are only readable by the California Fire Foundation and are never shared with any other site.  If you are concerned about your privacy and the 使用 of cookie technology on the California Fire Foundation you may set your web browser to notify you when you receive a cookie. You may also set your browser to ref使用 the cookies our site attempts to send you. Should you decide not to accept cookies from the California Fire Foundation you may limit the functionality we can provide when you visit our site.

9. Children and Privacy

The California Fire Foundation does not knowingly gather any personally identifiable information from children under the age of 13.  You must be 13 years of age or older to access the Site.  The California Fire Foundation has no interest in collecting information from children under the age of 13.

10. Modification of Privacy Policy

Changing business practices and circumstances may require that we make changes to this privacy policy from time to time. Any changes will be reflected on this website. The California Fire Foundation reserves the right to modify its website and/or this Privacy Policy at any time and 使用rs are deemed to be apprised of and bound by any such modifications. Our goal is to provide all services to visitors to the California Fire Foundation website in an accessible, efficient and friendly manner while maintaining their privacy. If you have comments or questions regarding privacy, please contact us.

11. Questions about Our Policies

If you have any questions about this privacy statement, the practices of this site, or your dealings with this website, you can contact us at: